Saturday, October 17, 2009

EMS Billing Meeting - November 12th

Sycophantic? Trustee Thomas impressed us with his vocabulary, and he certainly isn't being sycophantic. A better word for what he is trying to do is "placate"


Placate - verb - to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures : to placate an outraged citizenry.

There's a lot in this 2 minute clip. It starts off with Chris Thomas. They're talking about the upcoming "public meeting" and how they don't really want the public involved. Chris is going to preach to us, and then they might except some questions, if we don't get out of line and try to express ourselves during our questions.

You'll hear someone say nobody is calling or emailing or writing or coming to meetings or stopping at Village Hall - good point — what's up with that people?

The main concern expressed at last years meeting, was not wether or not and uninsured person would get a bill, it was wether or not someone might die if they did not call for help, for fear of a bill. Insurance only billing does not fully address this concern. Right now, the average citizen wouldn't even be able to name 1/2 of the trustees. How do you intend to inform them all with the critical details of you're billing policies?

Then you'll hear John Hrubos ask about how going to billing will intersect with whatever changes come from Washington, and Chris Thomas answers — he has no idea. Here's an idea; cool your jets, back off, wait and see. Going to billing now is very bad timing.

Hrubos says that Allen says that going to billing will result in higher insurance premiums, but he doesn't think that's necessarily true.

Thomas - No it's not. It's ridiculous.

Maybe I'm just stupid. Somebody please explain this to me. Are these private for profit insurance companies so magnanimous that they (unlike every other business) don't have to balance income vs expenses? They don't keep track of expenses? They don't have a history of raising rates and increasing profit ratios? Or is the Board just hoping that the increased premiums will be spread out over a larger population (kind of like cheating on your taxes)

Mark your calendars - Thursday, November 12th at 7pm at the Village Hall Meeting Room

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AC, you're awesome.